
medium-term conflict prevention review report معنى

  • تقرير استعراض منع الصراعات المتوسط الأجل
  • conflict    n. صراع, خلاف, قتا ...
  • conflict prevention    منع نشوب الصراعات
  • prevention    n. منع, وقاية, إعا ...
  • review    n. تنقيح, نشرة, إع ...
  • report    n. قصة, مسرح الأحد ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. medium-scale data utilization station معنى
  2. medium-sized معنى
  3. medium-speed film معنى
  4. medium-term community action programme on equal opportunities for women and men معنى
  5. medium-term community programme on equal opportunities for women for years 1986-1990 معنى
  6. medium-term expenditure framework معنى
  7. medium-term plan for human settlements معنى
  8. medium-term plan for the period 1980 - 1983 and programming procedures معنى
  9. medium-term programme of technical cooperation among non-aligned and other developing countries for the purpose of achieving the goal of health for all by the year 2000 معنى
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